CEYEE中國眼博會簡要:中國(北京)國際青少年眼健康產業展覽會China (Beijing) International Youth eye health industry exhibition,中英文簡稱:CEYEE中國眼博會。每年的下半年在首都北京盛大舉行,屬行業發展例會。大會創展于2019年,在職能部門和社會各界的支持下茁壯發展,成功舉辦了四屆,展覽規模也由首場的不足萬平米,發展至當前的五萬余平方米。近三千家來自國內外的行業單位、組織和企業亮相,集中展示了超過三萬款的眼康產品、技術和相關服務,提升了我國眼康需求市場的豐富度。以“呵護好孩子的眼睛,給他們一個光明的未來”為主題,積極地推動國內外眼康產業的快速融合,為兒童青少年的眼睛健康提供更多康復機會。多年多屆的成功舉辦,CEYEE中國眼博會已經成為了國內外行業企業拓展市場和塑造品牌的必參盛會,在行業發展中起著積極地引導和推動作用,成為了開拓市場、擴大銷售、加速資金回籠、塑造品牌的優選平臺。
展望2023中國眼博會:2023第五屆中國(北京)國際青少年眼健康產業展覽會The 2023 fifth China (Beijing) International Youth eye health industry exhibition(CEYEE中國眼博會),將于2023年08月28-30日,在北京亦創國際會展中心再次盛大舉辦。隨著疫情的結束,市場快速復蘇,本屆應廣大企業和行業單位的要求,展覽面積擴大至55000平方米。設置2000+展位,4個論壇區、3個合作洽談區,進一步夯實CEYEE中國眼博會的市場影響力。屆時,來自國內外的千余家參展商亮相,匯聚1.5萬款前沿的眼康產品、技術和服務,吸引超70000人次的買家蒞臨現場貿易和交流。同期還將舉辦以“中國國際青少年眼健康產業發展”為主論壇的數十余場細分行業論壇峰會,與行業大咖共同探尋眼睛康復技術、視力防控與矯正技術、產業發展政策等。
——The fifth China (Beijing) International Youth Eye Health Industry Exhibition (CEYEE China Eye Expo) will be held again in Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center on August 28-30, 2023. With the end of the epidemic and the rapid recovery of the market, the exhibition area was expanded to 55000 square meters at the request of enterprises and industry units. Set up 2000+booths, 4 forum areas and 3 cooperation and negotiation areas to further consolidate the market influence of CEYEE China Eye Expo. At that time, more than 1000 exhibitors from home and abroad will make their debut, gathering 15000 cutting-edge eye care products, technologies and services, attracting more than 70000 buyers to come to the site for trade and exchange. At the same time, there will also be more than ten sub-industry forum summits focusing on the "China International Youth Eye Health Industry Development", to explore eye rehabilitation technology, vision prevention and correction technology, industrial development policies, etc. with industry leaders.
The 2023 fifth China (Beijing) International Youth eye health industry exhibition(CEYEE)
Beijing Liancheng International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
參展聯系:許女士+86-130 1120 9510(V:lcexpo)
參觀服務:400 9011 004